You'll notice a lot more panorama or wide shots, it's difficult to pick out a small section of such amazing skies. I was now also noticing how much movement there is in our night sky, satellites everywhere!
And .......... other stuff. Hmmmmmmm.

As we moved into Winter, those early dark skies drew me outside more often

And then something happened that I really hadn't thought about ....

Aurora! We are essentially North facing at the rear of the house.
I had never considered that we might actually see it from here but there it was. OK, so the camera picks it up but to the naked eye, you may not see it at all or only see what looks like a faintly brighter area of sky.
I also now need to up my game to try to capture and maintain clear sharp I'm ages of the stars, the Sutter has to be open for longer to allow more light to get in, so the stars and everything else is visible.

You can just make out the faint pink / red colour in this shot that is definitely invisible to the naked eye, down here at least! Aurora isn't visible every night, it may not show at all, anywhere and things like a bright or full moon can affect whether we see it or not.
I'm going to add some links for more information on Aurora Borealis, the one we see in the Northern Hemisphere, down under, they see Aurora Australis. I've set all thee links to open a new browser tab.
I use an app on my phone to get alerts for Aurora, there are a few, of course

The Aurora is a bonus but the night sky in general has so much to see and learn about, like the planets, which ones, where etc?
I also became a bit obsessed by those moving things, what are they, what if .....? Mostly satellites I must add.

So, above shows a probable satellite, smooth, continuous movement
and an aircraft, intermittent flashing lights.
I also mentioned light pollution, if you live in or near a town or city, you will see less of the night sky because of all the light pollution.

The small town just three miles away can give off quite a bit of light, the city to the South and over the hills causes quite a lot so I rarely bother looking that way. I had another new and wonderful experience one evening in October when I wandered outside quite late and there was a low lying mist in the dip behind us.

A fogbow had formed, it was actually quite spooky, the silence, the mist and this thing just in front of me.

If you look carefully in the three images above, you can track the progress of two satellites, one much brighter than the other, maybe lower in the sky? Maybe .......... something else? ;)
You can also see the effect of the light pollution from a couple of houses, mainly caused by low cloud or mist reflecting the light

I mentioned different exposure earlier, for example, trying to get movement in the clouds and in this one, allow for the fact that the moon is really bright.

I'm also up later and earlier in these Winter months

Morning noon and night, there's always something to see

Storm passing to the East

Lots of images here, hope it's not too much, finally, an event in October.

A partial eclipse in October made for something different to watch and photograph ....without actually looking though the lens at it!!!

Aurora over the glens

A couple of good Aurora nights this month kept me wandering out all month checking.

There's something in the air
Every now and then I get to see something, a shooting star, a meteorite, a satellite and maybe ......?
Enough for this month I think, you get the picture lol, I'm really enjoying the skies and night skies up here :)